The Italian Electrotechnical Committee (henceforth CEI) grants MyNorma users a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the products available on this site, subject to the conditions outlined below.
Users agree to be bound by the terms of this License regarding the installation, copying, or any other use of the products available on MyNorma.
This User License does not grant ownership of the Product to the User but only a right to use it according to the terms set out in this License.
The User acknowledges that the Products are owned by CEI, as the copyright holder, and that these rights are protected by national and international copyright laws and treaties.
The User also acknowledges that all rights, titles, and interests in the Products, including intellectual property rights, are and will remain with CEI.
Once the transaction is completed, the purchased Standard file must be downloaded; the purchase is finalized by downloading the PDF file to the buyer’s computer.
The order and subsequent download of the PDF file of the Standard remain available to the customer for thirty days from the date of purchase.
The user agrees to the terms and conditions of access and use set forth in this license agreement at the time of purchasing a Product. The PDF files of the purchased Products are protected by DRM (File Open) and can be downloaded only once onto the purchaser’s computer, locally and not on a server. Access is restricted to a single device. For files with print permissions, only one printout per file is allowed.
CEI reserves the right to allow re-download of the Standard only in exceptional cases, upon written request, provided that the Standard is still in force.
The User will provide CEI with all necessary information to ensure full compliance with the terms of this agreement by third parties.
In the event that third-party actions may question compliance with the terms of this agreement, the User will collaborate with CEI to ensure compliance. The Products supplied by CEI through MyNorma are the latest versions of CEI publications in force.
Neither CEI nor its representatives, managers, employees, or distributors of the Products can be held responsible for any personal, physical, or economic damage that may arise from or be in any way related to the possession or use of any of the Products by the User or any of its representatives, managers, employees, or agents. Responsibility for any consequences of the use of any of the Products lies with the User. The terms of this agreement may be modified at any time by CEI.
This agreement is governed by the legislation in force in Italy, and the competent court for any dispute is in Milan, Italy. CEI reserves the right to take any legal action against Users to safeguard their rights, in the courts of their country of residence, or in any jurisdiction where there has been a violation of this agreement. By accepting this license, the User agrees to the operating procedures in force at the time of purchase.